
All You Need To Know About the New Divorce Act In Canada

All You Need To Know About the New Divorce Act In Canada

If you are one of the multiple married people who live in Canada, you should immediately learn more about the new divorce act that has been implemented. You must know about the alterations because it will enable you to ensure you are doing everything correctly. The changes came into force on the 1st of March, 2021.


These alterations were made to improve the security and safety of each family member by a wide margin. If you are thinking of getting a divorce, the best thing you can do is speak to the best family lawyers in Mississauga. They will assist you in understanding the terms better and ensure you are not making any severe legal mistakes. Let us now take a detailed look at the main changes that were implemented:


1. Custody And Access Have Been Changed To Family Access

One of the main alterations that were made to the divorce law is that the words, custody, and access, have been replaced with family access. It was mainly done because the previous law treated children as property. This law failed to treat the kids as humans and failed to regard their human rights. As a result, it was altered in the new act.


The new law will focus more on the needs of the children, reduce parental conflict, and improve the responsibilities of the parents by a wide margin. As a result, you will be able to ensure your kids are safe and protected during the process without any difficulty.



2. Addressing Family Violence

The second change that was made to the previous divorce act is that the new law will address family violence more now. It was decided after the previous divorce law failed to provide help and justice to domestic violence survivors. If you are somebody who has faced issues at home, you should learn more about the new divorce act before filing for separation.


Not just that, but you should also remember to choose one of the best family lawyers in Mississauga to help you through the process. The refined law will make it convenient for you to stay safe and protected without any difficulty.


3. Contact Order For Non-Spouses

Contact order for non-spouses is the third thing that was added to the new divorce act in Canada. This law states that once the divorce is settled and the children are with their chosen parent, a non-spouse, such as a grandparent, will have to apply for a contact order if they want to meet the kids.


The applicant will have to visit the court and file an application for a contact order if they wish to meet the children for any reason.


4. More Focus On The Best Interests Of The Children

The best alteration that was made to the divorce rule is that the law will now focus more on the needs of the children. The kid’s age, education, and nature are some of the factors that will be considered while giving custody.


Not just that, but the court will also take into account the history of family violence, if any, to ensure the children are protected by a wide margin.



The divorce law was updated to ensure a separation does not lead to more problems and concerns. As a result, you should learn more about it as soon as possible. You may also take the help of Nizam Hashmi Professional Corporation in this endeavour.


This article is not intended to provide legal advice to any person, corporation or entity and cannot be relied on without consulting a qualified lawyer Please consult a qualified lawyer before you decide on your matter.

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